Supiore means the the best, we deliver the ultimate experience for you and your loved ones.
Smooth cruising without waves, fumes and noise means no disturbance to the persons onboard or the surroundings.
On the Supiore Uno the occupants will lack nothing in comfort. The big table in the middle of the boat is inviting for a good conversation with friends or a family diner.
Reserve one of our boats for the day with our Memberships and go about and explore.
Boating WIthout the hassle
Supiore introduces a premium membership program in collaboration with ShareBoats for people who just like to enjoy being on the water and don’t want to deal with all the hassle of owning a boat and the high yearly cost involved.
Imagine having a boat always available to you and enjoying the freedom of it without worrying about something breaking down, keeping it clean or finding a mooring spot on the overcrowded quays of Amsterdam. The only thing you have to think about is having a awesome time.
With a ShareBoats membership you’re totally ready for a summer in the city, get away of the busy streets and start living the nautical lifestyle on our luxury electric tenders.

The boat
SUPIore Uno
Awarded for it's minimalist design it's the most photographed boat on the canals of Amsterdam
The Uno has an electric powertrain, which means no vibrations, no noise, no toxic fumes.
Just pure enjoyment and no harm to the environment
Build to be very stable, unsinkable and from sustainable materials
Our boarding location for our new members is from our headquarters on the vibrant Cruquiuseiland. We welcome you with a full tour of the boat and some instructions to make you comfortable with the operating boat right from the very beginning.
Contact us for any requests...
- KVK 52045692
- IBAN NL08ABNA0513355553
- BTW NL850276639B01